Heartwarming Video Captures Friends Helping Boy With Cerebral Palsy Walk

A heartwarming video captured the moment when a six-year-old boy with cerebral palsy got a helping hand from his friends as he struggled to walk. Jeffrey Mackey was at a water park with his friends and older sister when his leg muscles began to tighten up, making it difficult for him to walk.

Two of Jeffrey's friends saw that he was having a hard time walking up the path toward the water slide and rushed over to help. His older sister, Mikaila, pulled out her phone and recorded as her brother's friends grabbed his arms and helped him walk to the water slide. She shared the touching video on Twitter, where it has been viewed over seven million times.

"One of the obstacles Jeffrey faces with cerebral palsy is that his muscles get tight making it hard for him to walk," Mikaila wrote. "Today at the water park he was having a hard time walking but, his friends pushed him to keep going and never left him behind."

Mikaila says it was great that his friends were able to see past his disability and just wanted to make sure that they all had a good time at the water park.

"It made me so happy that kids his age were able to see beyond a disability and just wanted to help their friend have fun." Mikaila told Fox 5, "Instead of running ahead of him to go on the water slides they made sure he wasn't left behind."

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