Photo Courtesy of Getty Images reports that in the middle of the day on Thursday, a brawl broke out among the vagrants living in San Clemente.
One of the suspects in the fight delivered a harsh beating and then fled.
A witness said that the suspect "...repeatedly shouted 'Don't ever touch my girlfriend again!'" as he savagely beat his victim.
Photo Courtesy of Tony Rubolino
This has only been part of the larger vagrant issue San Clemente has been facing.
Human feces, urine, and blood line the sidewalks as passersby try to navigate around the city.
Earlier this year, Orange County ran a survey of the vagrant population and reported that there were 96 living on the streets.
This has led to the emergency ordinance calling for the removal of tents along the beach and in unregulated areas.
The reports that not only is San Clemente stopping tents around the city, they plan to control the problem by making a "designated campsite".
Dan Bane, the Mayor Pro Tem of San Clemente, said "The general idea is to confine it to an area that's not only a place that's safe for the residents, but also safe for the homeless".
San Diego and Santa Cruz both have already opened campsites similar to this. In fact Santa Cruz has recently opened another campsite being operated by the Salvation Army.
San Clemente, however, has not figured out who will be regulating their camp.
There are also questions of whether or not the vagrants living in the train stations will go willingly and whether or not the campsites will be as inhumane as the refugee camps for asylum seekers.
Still, something has to happen. It's just a matter of time to see if this will be the thing to fix the problem.