Lawmakers Shelve Proposed 'Big Gulp' Ban

One down, hundreds to go.

The tax measure designed to outlaw "Big-Gulp"- sized sodas has been shelved by California lawmakers Tuesday. The bill was reportedly put on hold as to avoid 'dragging down the rest of the package of bills that are aimed at reducing obesity.'

The big-sized soda ban drew the strongest opposition from business groups and after the bill was shelved, the Assembly Health Committee voted 8-5 to approve a soda fee bill and send it on toward the Assembly floor, the LA Times reports.

The assemblyman responsible for the introduction of the bill, David Chiu, said he would wait until next year to pursue his measure, which essentially bans sugary drinks in cups larger than 16 ounces.

“Make no mistake, the disease and suffering created by sugar-sweetened beverages is one of the most pressing public health issues of our time and must be addressed,” Chiu said. “Truly resolving this issue will be a multi-year conversation, and I look forward to the conversation.”

A chief opponent of the bill, the American Beverage Association, is thrilled with the shelving and emphasizes the measure was not supported by Californians.

Surely there are larger issues in California to worry about.

Photo: Getty Images

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