Paying it forward is always a wonderful thing that can brighten someone's day, and when you add some tasty food to the mix it's the perfect combo!
Meet Jose Maldonado Jr.,the man who runs Taco King on Azusa Avenue.
After facing some hard times in his life, he decided he wanted to give back when he took over the popular restaurant.
As reported by Pasadena Star News:
It started with Maldonado putting his own money in — enough to pay for one burrito and five tacos. In the three months since he began running the restaurant, the restaurant has averaged one customer donation and one person in need served a day, he said.
“I’m 29 (years old) now, and I’ve seen that every time I’ve helped others, something good comes back,” Maldonado said. “I know in my heart that this is the right thing to do.”