Southland Gas Prices Stable

Southland Gas Prices Stable

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County dropped two-tenths of a cent today to $3.357 after increasing two-tenths of a cent each of the past two days.

The decrease ends a run of 10 increases in 11 days totaling 2.5 cents, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The average price is 1.3 cents more than one week ago and 5.9 cents higher than one month ago but 7.1 cents less than one year ago.

The Orange County average price dropped three-tenths of a cent to $3.313, one day after rising one-tenth of a cent. It is two-tenths of a cent more than one week ago and 5.7 cents higher than one month ago but 7.6 cents less than one year ago.

Marie Montgomery of the Automobile Club of Southern California described the average price as stable.

“The switch to summer blend gasoline is already reflected in the current price averages, but some of that increase was canceled out by plentiful supply and lower demand during the recent Southern California rainstorms,” Montgomery told City News Service.

“However, a typical spring season will bring additional price increases at least through May, so this stability may not last too long before prices start rising again.”

Photo: Getty Images

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