Little Change to Southland Gas Prices

Little Change to Southland Gas Prices

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in Los Angeles County rose two-tenths of a cent today for the second consecutive day.

The average price has risen 12 of the past 13 days, increasing 7.5 cents to $3.333, according to figures from the AAA and Oil Price Information Service. The run of increases followed an eight-day streak of decreases totaling 5 cents that dropped the average price to its lowest amount since Jan. 20, 2018.

The average price is 2 cents more than one week ago and 2.8 cents higher than one month ago but 10 cents lower than one year ago.

The Orange County average price dropped one-tenth of a cent to $3.297, one day after rising three-tenths of a cent. It is two-tenths of a cent more than one week ago and 3.1 cents higher than one month ago but 10 cents less than one year ago.

Photo: Getty Images

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