Kamala Harris Continues Her Deceit in Radio Interview

Sen. Kamala Harris has been exposed.

Kamala sat down with The Breakfast Club for an interview Monday where she confessed to smoking marijuana in college, "and I inhaled," she said.

When asked what kind of music she listened to when she was high, she replied, “Definitely Snoop, Tupac for sure.”

The only problem with that answer is neither rapper had made their debut before she graduated college.

The only problem with that answer is neither rapper made their debut before she graudted

Besides that, in her new book, "The Truths We Hold," she writes: "Something else it's past time we get done is dismantling the failed war on drugs - starting with legalizing marijuana."

As the New York Post points out, Kamala laughed at a reporter who asked about an opponent's support for pot legalization and refused to back 'putting the question before voters in a ballot measure' during her run for re-election four years ago.

Read more about the attorney general's lies here.

Photo: Getty Images

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