MAGA Bomber Viewed Trump as Father Figure

The suspected mail bomber accused of sending packages containing explosive devices to high-profile liberals is a lost and "sick individual" who estranged himself from his family. 

Cesar Sayoc Jr., dubbed the MAGA bomber, eventually "found a father" in President Trump after he was abandoned by his real father as a child, his family's lawyer said.  

Miami lawyer Ronald Lowy said Sayoc "has told his mother that he hates her" and that he has a serious mental illness.

The former bodybuilder claimed to be of Native American descent but he is actually Filipino and Italian. Lowy said that was Sayoc's way of creating an identity. 

“He doesn’t seem to recognize reality. He lives in a fantasy world,” Lowy said to CNN. “The signs of mental illness are clearly there.”

Lowy added he doesn't believe Sayoc had the mental capacity to carry out such a "sophisticated crime."

“You talk to him and he speaks like a 15-year-old, like a child,” Lowy said.

Sayoc's mom allegedly found out her son had been arrested when she woke up from surgery Friday. 

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