Photo: Getty Images
Multiple pipe bombs were sent around the country this week to very outspoken critics of President Trump. Federal authorities are currently investigating the packages sent to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and others. As the investigation continues, more attention is being turned toward Florida.
All of the packages had return addresses linked to "Debbie Wasserman Schultz", a Democratic congresswoman in Florida. None of the bombs exploded, and investigators are now looking into if they were even operational. A pipe bomb was even sent to actor Robert De Niro, as well as the CNN offices in New York.
According to law enforcement, the different address labels on each of the envelopes were all similar. X-rays done on the packages also showed similar packaging and bombs inside of each.
“This appears to be from the same sender,” the law enforcement official said.
Officials are currently narrowing their focus in on Florida, due to the United States Postal Service's information that many of the packages were mailed from that state. Investigators are searching record images of the outgoing mail in hopes that they will also be able to intercept any additional explosives.
“We certainly don’t know whether they are here or elsewhere in the country,” Mayor of New York Bill de Blasio said on Wednesday. “There is somebody by definition who is a serial bomber, yes, and a terrorist.”
Thursday morning, President Trump tweeted that the mainstream media was to blame for the increase of hate and anger in the world: "It has gotten so bad and hateful that it is beyond description. Mainstream Media must clean up its act, FAST!"
Read the full report on the New York Times.