California Ranks Third For Most Psychopaths

A recent study suggests California has the third highest rate of people with psychopathic traits in the nation.  Clinical Psychologist Dr. John Huber says the study from Southern Methodist University brings attention to the need for mental health resources.

"It leads us to more research and better data collection, the studies of this. And if you look at Washington D.C. what is that? That is a business and political mecca of the world," said Huber.

The study looked at five traits commonly used by doctors to diagnose anti-social personality disorder, which is also known as psychopathy. 

"The study is revolutionary and it's something that ever since I've started studying forensic psychology, I wanted to do. I wanted to go and see where these psychopaths or sociopaths are centralized," said Huber.

The highest concentration of people showing these traits are in DC, followed by Connecticut and then California with a rate of 1.2 percent of the population.

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