Are you a helicopter child?
That's right, I didn't say helicopter parent, I said helicopter child.
What is a helicopter child?
Well, if you understand what a helicopter parent is, then you basically know what a helicopter child is. Helicopter children are those that seem to think that their aging parents are no longer capable of functioning in society and taking care of themselves.
Believe me, you know the type.
They don't just offer a hand to their mother when going up or down a flight of stairs. Instead, they usher them to the entrance ramp, insisting that the stairs are just too dangerous.
They don't let their parents hold the grandchildren whenever they want to. Instead, they make them sit down and sit back before sitting the child in their arms.
They don't let their father have conversations unaccompanied. Instead, they stand next to him, monitoring every word and every reaction, making sure he isn't offending anybody around.
Now, this doesn't mean you shouldn't look out for your aging parents. You should check in on them and make sure everything is okay. However, they are still adults.
If you are a self-aware helicopter child, or don't want to become one, here's a few things to think about:
- Come to an understanding about your parent's competence.
- Don't make decisions for you parents. Discuss things with them.
- Don't look through their mail and phone messages.
- Pick your battles.
- Express your concerns.
Read the full story at The Wall Street Journal
Now, maybe your college student isn't a helicopter child.
Maybe they've just come back from college for the summer break and are acting...well...different.
Know this, they aren't the only one. Many parents across the world deal with this every year as their newly moved-away college student comes home.
The dynamic is just different. They just ran their own lives for nine months without you, of course things won't be the same.
Here's a few things to keep in mind when trying to live with them for a few months:
- Be aware of your child's feelings. College students often experience depression and anxiety.
- Give advice, not orders. Remember that your kid is independent.
- Let them do their own thing and find their own way. Give them space.
- Know that your child may still have all their old habits.
- Don't expect them to know what annoys you.
- Keep your life the same as when they left.
- Expect an adjustment period.
Read the full story at Psychology Today
This one is mostly just for fun, but I guess it's also kind of a PSA.
Watch out if you're going on a fancy date this week! This dine-and-dasher just might get you next!