Orange County is dead set on making the exact same mistakes that LA did 10 years ago in regards to their homeless situation. What happened to learning from history? Not repeating the same mistakes twice? Guess the O.C doesn't care...
Just like Los Angeles, Orange County has taken the homeless from their encampments without a set place for them to go (that is until a federal judge has stopped them.) They have quickly thrown together plans for housing (until they were scotched). NOW a U.S District Judge is threatening to bar O.C. cities from enforcing the anti-camping ordinance unless they come up with other temporary housing.
The same timeline and mistakes as Los Angeles back in 2007. Just take a drive down Skid-Row.
"They know we are an affluent city with lots of immigrants, so they think we will automatically welcome other people," said one Irvine man.
However, a study conducted by UC Irvine showed that 68% have actually lived in the county for 10 years or more and 90% of them are born in the US.
The study also showed that $42 million could be saved annually by moving the 4,800 homeless into housing. This money correlates with the coverage of healthcare and law enforcement for homeless people.
Compare this to the amount of money Los Angeles could have saved considering the homeless population here is 58,000.
Read more at the Los Angeles Times