Man Kicks Moose - Moose Kicks Back

Man kicks moose, moose kicks back

In no surprise to Vegas oddsmakers, a man lost his fight with a moose on Thursday near Anchorage, Alaska after he encountered a pair of moose on a trail he was hiking. 

According to, the rumble in the tundra began Thursday morning about 10:15 a.m. when the man kicked at one of the animals, and was kicked at in return. According to Ken Barkley, the Mat-Su Borough's deputy chief of emergency services, the moose only managed to trample the man's foot. 

"It sounds like the moose were on a trail and in this case, it sounds like the guy was trying to go through them," State Department of Fish and Game spokesman Ken Marsh said. "That's never a good idea."

Peters told KTVA that the two moose involved were a cow and an older calf. Peters said the man's foot was trampled by the moose after he kicked at the cow on the trail. 

This isn't the first incident between man and moose. One man had a moose take a swing at him while he was feeding it, and another attacked a cocker spaniel in an Anchorage homeowner's yard. 

Moose sightings are common around springtime as cows prepare for calving season in mid-May. Wildlife experts say they recommend people stay away from the massive mammals as the season continues. 

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