What style of parent are you?
There isn't a right or wrong answer. We all have our own unique characteristics and life experiences that shape our personalities and, for those who have children, parenting styles.
Not sure how you would describe yourself? Take a look at these options, and see where you fall in.
- Teacher or Guide
- Is it more important to guide a child through showing them every step of the way (helicopter parent) or is it better to teach them a lesson with the intent of them moving on (Tiger Mom)?
- Affectionate or Tough Love
- Do you shower your kid with hugs, kisses, and compliments? Or is it better to only give the compliments when the kids have earned them, making them special and meaningful?
- Education or Life Experience
- Do you push academics and achievement in school, making getting into a good college the priority, or do you encourage your kids to have life experiences? The school of hard knock is the only education your kid needs.
- Rule With An Iron Fist or Friend
- Do you believe it is your role to provide structure and rules? It’s our way or the highway. Or is it better to be friendly with your kids? Lighten up on the rules to create a stronger bond and trust as way of keeping them safe, but let them learn through their own experiences.
- Popular or Let Their Freak Flag Fly
- Do you prioritize your child’s ability to socialize and network with others? Or do you believe that it is more important for your kid to worry about being comfortable in their own skin, no matter what that means?
Like Justin Worsham of The Dad Podcast says, the middle of the road is clearly the best option, but there are always things to learn from both sides.
"I think you can learn a lot about yourself as a parent by seeing where your priorities are and then learning the pros of the other side. It can also be a good way to see if you are leaning too far to one side and feel like you should lean a little more the other way to get closer to center."
In the end, Justin says you should just be you.
"Parenting in a way that seems or feels unnatural is just that. So the only thing I tell people to do is to parent the way they want. But do it with an open mind and with the intent their kids will grow up to have their own life."
Learn more about parenting styles at Parents and Vanderbilt
To hear more of Justin's take on different parenting styles, and other parenting topics, you can check out all of his stuff at The Dad Podcast
Check out his latest episode about his Easter weekend and a book report on Achtung Baby about the differences in American and German Parenting.