#TastyTuesday With @ForkReporter: St. Patty's Day & Pi Day

St. Patrick's Day is coming up this Saturday and @ForkReporter is here to guide us though it.

There are great places to hang out all around Los Angeles, offering great drinks, food, and activities.

But, if you are like a lot of us, and want to stay away from the amateur hour party people, do not feel bad staying home and cooking up a beautiful St Patrick's Day meal.

Plus, if you were wondering why we do what we do on St. Patty's Day, it's actually a pretty cool story.

Learn about the history of the holiday and check out a great corned beef recipe at The Seattle Times

Oh, don't forget, tomorrow is Pi Day!

Join me as we count!


Yea, I'm a geek, I know...

Anyways... tomorrow is Pi Day and that is reason enough to throw down some circular (that you cut into triangular pieces) desserts!

If you don't want to make one, do not worry!  

There are places all around Los Angeles offering Pi Day deals!

Check out the locations and their deals at CBS Los Angeles

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado