A heart clenching story of a 7-year-old took over the internet after not one of her friends from her 1st grade class showed up to her birthday party. Leyana had been dreaming about her party for months and could not wait for the day.
When she realized that none of her friends would come to the party, tears poured down her face.
“For her being at the age she is, she doesn’t understand why nobody came. I tried to tell her that it’s a holiday on Monday and people are on vacation. The flu is going around. People are sick. They have things going on,” Leyana's mother said.
The one guest that did show was Princess Elsa from the Disney film, Frozen. Lindsay Roberts, who dresses as the character, was extremely broken hearted to see the turn out.
“It was soul-crushing. When I open the door, I’m used to all the kids running up to me. But she was just all by herself. Just looking down. Just so sad and she just launched herself into my arms.”
Lindsay took to Facebook to share her feelings and comment on the situation.
“People get so busy, but to raise the expectations of a child and not deliver on that promise … just be there. Be there for the kids in your community. Be there for each other,”
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