Residents across the United States are suffering through another cold snap and one police department thinks they know who is responsible.
The Slidell Police Department in Louisiana (who are clearly not happy about all this cold) has put out a $100,000,000 reward for the person they believe to be responsible for their chilly temperatures: Queen Elsa from Disney's Frozen. The tonque-in-cheek posting on Facebook says they're looking for the ice-cold fugitive 'Dead or Alive' and are warning residents to approach the suspect "with caution" (she does have magical powers after all).
Elsa (the tragic heroine of Disney's epic film), was born with the ability to manipulate ice and snow and has become the poster child for cold weather events in the past. The image was originally posted by the Harlan Police Department several years ago, but because of the frigid temps that have seized the nation, the Slidell Police Department decided it was the perfect time to repost it.
"This funny post was originally made by the Harlan Police Department several years ago ... we had to borrow it!"
The cold snap is forcasted to continue over the next few days, so if there's any hope for Elsa getting away, we'll have to hope that the Slidell Police Department will let it go.