Sex abuse victims not happy with plans for Cardinal Bernard Law's funeral

Cardinal Bernard Law died today at age 86, 15 years after he resigned as Boston's archbishop for covering up sex abuse by pedophile priests.

Many victims who were sexually abused by priests say that Law's death and plans for his funeral do not bring them any piece of mind.

Boston-area native Alexa MacPherson, who was abused by a priest, said:

"With his passing, I say I hope the gates of hell are open wide to welcome him, because I feel ... no redemption (for Law)" is worthwhile."

Robert Costello was also a victim of abuse that Law tried to cover up:

"Chop him up and put weights on every piece of body part that he has and drop him in oceans around the world."

Instead of a funeral, Costello says Law should just "disappear."

Upon hearing about Law's death, Costello said:

Where's the party? Where are we going to celebrate? And then I realized it would be no celebration whatsoever. It would be a meeting of people who tell their stories and bring it all back up again."

Law, 86, died today in Rome after a long illness. In Rome he served as archpriest of the Papal Liberian Basilica of St. Mary Major after being forced to resign as Boston archbishop in 2002.

His reassignment to Rome was nothing more than a cushy second career that he should have never got. Before Law's funeral plans were announced, the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests urged against a "celebratory focus:"

"We highly doubt there is a single victim of abuse who will ever receive the same attention, pomp and circumstance by Pope Francis. Every single Catholic should ask Pope Francis and the Vatican why. Why Law's life was so celebrated when Boston's clergy sex abuse survivors suffered so greatly? Why was Law promoted when Boston's Catholic children were sexually abused, ignored, and pushed aside time and time again? It is time for the Vatican to refocus on change: protecting children and those who have been hurt."

They're absolutely right. That man deserves nothing.

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