Read the Lundberg Letter for Yourself Here!

Opponents to the new state gas tax are pointing to the latest survey from Lundberg Survey, a group that regularly tracks the cost of gasoline across the nation. 

Motorists will fork over more than $75-billion in gasoline taxes this year, an all-time record high, as governments continue to claim shortages of road funding. Weighted national average tax: 54¢ gal., a burden borne by both motorists and the gasoline market. This study identifies recent and upcoming state tax hikes and compares taxes in markets across the country -- including Los Angeles where the combined federal, state, and local tax total is now nearly 90¢ gal.

Supporters of the tax say the more than $5.2 billion in annual revenue is needed to help repair roads and the state's system of bridges as well as improving mass transit. 

You can read the full letter from the organization above. Trilby Lundberg, publisher of the letter, along with Lundberg Director of Statistics Robin Anderson joined us with more:

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