Gainseville police are asking residents to pull back on 911 calls concerning a very...ahem pleasing status update.
The Florida Department posted this photo of three of their officers praising their recovery work during Irma.
The photo went viral as women everywhere began to swoon over Officers Nordman, Hamill and Rengering.
Comments over their admiration flooded the post:
I can't believe how many women are objectifying these poor, fine, young, strong,handsome, brave, sexy, delicious, virile, ovulation-inducing, mouth-watering, beefy..... I can't remember where I was going with this... if Florida wasn't already wet enough
But who will protect these guys from an impending Cougar attack? #thesecomments
So, looks like my next vacation will be spent in Gainesville rolling through stop signs and driving with a tail light out every evening until I've been pulled over by the entire night shift. It's gonna get expensive, and my insurance premiums will go through the roof from all those tickets, but... *fans self with a stack of travel brochures and birth control pamphlets*
"Excuse me officer, I just robbed a store.. I need to be cuffed and frisked immediately." - Every woman in Florida after seeing this post
Uhm, a court date is still a 'date' right?!
After receiving over 130,000 comments and the post being shared over 350,000 times the department posted their response:
1. We are dying with the comments. You've actually made our chief blush with some of them.
2. MRS. Nordman and MRS. Hamill have also enjoyed knowing how millions of women are going crazy over their husbands.
3. We can confirm that Officer Rengering (far right with the amazing hair) IS SINGLE.
4. On another note, Officer Rengering is being placed into Cougar Prey Protective Care, similar to the witness protection program for his safety.
5. Please do not call 9-1-1 and request this group respond to your "incident"
6. There WILL be a calendar. Thank you all for the hilarious comments...they have brightened our time up here. As for the calendar, we are going to try and do something fairly quickly and funds raised will go to Hurricane Irma recovery here in Florida.