Real-Life Horrible Hollywood Bosses

The life of an assistant in Hollywood sucks.  It just does.

Ever watch Entourage?  Remember the relationship between Ari Gold and his assistant Lloyd?

In a lot of ways, it was pretty accurate.

In a completely anonymous process, we got our hands on some fantastic Hollywood war stories.  From affairs and porn to drugs and adoptions, assistants have seen it all.

"My boss made me email his mistress with his lingerie preferences and then lie to his wife on where he was." —Katie, talent management assistant

"I had to call customer service for a former boss's sex toy and explain why it wasn't working." —Alex, talent management assistant

"As an unpaid intern on The Jerry Springer Show, my primary responsibility was to take pimps out to dinner at ESPN Zone and help acclimate them to Chicago." —Natalie, intern on The Jerry Springer Show

"I once walked into my (FORMER) boss's office to ask him a question and came face to face with a crossbow, pointed directly at me." —Laurel, producer's assistant

"My boss has us "tape up" her face." —Jackie, talent management assistant

"Network heads don't have to organize the adoption of their boss's kid. Or be copied on (a different) boss's birth plan (ew ew ew ew)." —Mia, talent management assistant

"My first big industry interview was for an assistant position at [a major talent agency]. I was interviewing for an MP [motion picture] talent agent. In the interview he said, "You know, my wife really doesn't like it when I have female assistants. But looking at you, you'll be perfect!", insinuating that I was not attractive enough to threaten his wife. He said it with such confidence and excitement!" —Stella, talent management assistant

"So, horrible boss story: I had a cancer scare, and my boss said that if I was a truly good assistant I would've dealt with any emotional baggage earlier, so I wouldn't have cancer. She also wouldn't let me off work to go to the doctor, and I had to sneak around in order to find out if it was cancer or not." —Sam, talent management assistant

Read the full story at LAist

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