LAPD Chief Charlie Beck says he's in favor of California's so-called 'sanctuary state' bill. The bill, SB 54, was introduced by State Senator Kevin de Leon as part of California's pushback against the Trump Administration's immigration policies.
Chief Beck said on Monday that his officers would not act like 'de facto' immigration agents. Beck pointed out that it's important for all residents (legal or illegal) need to trust the cops.
With some minor exceptions, the bill prohibits state and local law enforcement agencies from using their resources to investigate, interrogate, detain or arrest any person for immigration enforcement purposes.
Other cities in California have passed laws or ordinances separate from SB 54, including one on Monday night. National City's City Council voted unanimously to declare themselves a 'compassionate community' which is effectively the same thing as a sanctuary city.
City officials say they wanted to set National City apart, and don't want to belong to any particular movement, group or organization looking to help refugees and immigrants.
The U.S. Attorney General, Jeff Sessions has threatened to pull money from sanctuary cities, but Beck says he doesn't care.