San Diego will become the home of the Navy's newest combat ship. The Warship, USS Gabrielle Giffords was officially comissioned into service over the weekend at a ceremony in Texas that was attended by the former Arizona congresswoman. Her husband was also in attendance.
"This is an incredible honor. The USS Gabrielle Giffords is strong and tough, just like her crew," Giffords said at the ceremony.
Giffords was shot in the head during a meet-and-greet event in Arizona back in 2011. Six people were killed in the shooting and the killer was eventually sentenced to life in prison. Giffords praised the servicemembers who attended the ceremony, saying she was very proud of them.
"I thought of you in my darkest days. The soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines of the United States of America."
Hillary Clinton also attended the ceremony and praised Giffords for her bravery.
"Instead of saying what might be expected, and asking the question 'why me?' She said, 'how can she make the most out of the life, the miracle, that she represented."
The USS Gabrielle Giffords will be based in San Diego according to Navy officials.