A Decatur Central High School student received a special and heartwarming surprise for her prom.
Sierra Bradway lost her father in 2013. Rod Bradway was an Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Officer but was killed while on duty when he was ‘responding to a domestic violence disturbance.’
Bradway wanted to have her prom pictures next to her father’s grave. Her prom date’s mother contacted the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department (IMPD) and asked if some officers would ‘surprise’ Sierra Bradway by also going to her father’s grave.
Pictures show Sierra, her prom date and a number of police officers who had come out to support Sierra and pay their respects to her brave father.
Another picture shows Sierra holding a photo of her father in her hands.
The officers wished the couple off to a fun prom and informed Sierra’s prom date to “Have her home by 11p.m.!”
See the full story on IndyStar.com.