House of Hoarders: Missing 16-month-old girl found dead under filthy couch

A very sad story out of Chicago, where a missing 16-month-old girl was found dead in a hoarder house.

Semaj Crosby's body was discovered under a disgusting couch about 30 hours after she disappeared following a visit from Family Services.

Newly released photos from the Will County Land Use Department show just how filthy and dangerous the living conditions were in the now condemned house:

(Will County Land Use Department)

(Will County Land Use Department)

(Will County Land Use Department)

Bug killer cans were found all over the counter tops, trash bags were everywhere, and the beds were propped up, which makes it look like the girl was sleeping on the floor.

An inspector's report read:

"The entire structure appeared unsanitary because of the heavily soiled carpets, walls, garbage and [it] contains a serious degree of filth. The kitchen area of the home had several piles; on the stove was stacked food in foil pans and there [were] pizza boxes stacked on the table. The cabinet's doors in the kitchen [were] broken and/or missing."

Semaj was reported missing by her mother Tuesday evening, just a few hours after being visited by the Department of Child and Family Services over a previous accusation of neglect.

The department investigators saw "no obvious hazards or safety concerns" for Semaj and her two brothers.


An autopsy of the toddler's body didn't provide a clear cause of death and police say there were no obvious signs of trauma.

No arrests have been made.

Read more at the Daily Mail.

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