Mayor Yoga Pants unveils budget at State of the City

Today Mayor Yoga Pants Eric Garcetti gave his fourth State of the City speech, which was all about ending homelessness, protecting immigrants, and passing new environmental laws.

He also blathered about the new infrastructure taxes, twisting them to sound good:

"At a moment when the national conversation is anxious and divided, when our infrastructure is crumbling and the future feels uncertain when Washington seems broken, this is a moment that calls for Los Angeles to lead, to be a model of moral leadership and bold action.”

Could he be any more dramatic?

Before the speech, politicians and local leaders gathered to watch a video showing off all the great stuff in Los Angeles. 

That totally sounds like something they'd do in North Korea. Look at how great everything is here! It's great to live in Los Angeles, there's nothing wrong here at all! 

Then all of the wieners listened to an Imam give a prayer, calling on God to fill their hearts with empathy, love, and humility.

Garcetti also vowed to follow the Paris Agreement on climate change, even if President Trump decides to pull out.

Then he proceeded to roll out his yoga mat and showed the audience how to properly perform the downward dog.

Okay he didn't really do that, but he probably really wanted to.

He is such a smug loser of a mayor.

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