Sign the the petition and help stop the car tax in California!
Passing the gas and car tax was the biggest slap in the face to Californians. Opponents are now working to recall state senator Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), who voted in favor of raising the tax.
"We’re about focusing in and disciplining these politicians in Sacramento who recklessly raise the gas and car tax and we're going to start out with Mr. Newman first. We will then turn to the remaining Democrats and tell them, 'Either you repeal the car tax or we will pick off more of you.'”
Newman explained why he supported the raise:
"I supported the transportation package because it’s urgently needed, because its specific benefits to my district far outweigh the costs – and because I was able to secure first-of its-kind constitutional protections so this funding can’t be ever be diverted by future Legislatures. As a Senator, I’m always going to be an independent voice and base my votes on what’s best for my constituents."