Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice denied allegations she worked to "unmask" Trump campaign officials.
"The allegation is that somehow the Obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes...that's absolutely false."
Rice spoke to MSNBC about all of the allegations, saying that for the government's purposes it's not unusual to request the identities of people caught on intelligence surveillance.
"There were occasions when I would receive a report in which a U.S. person was referred to, name not provided, just a U.S. person, and sometimes in that context in order to understand the importance of that report, and assess its significance, it was necessary to find out or request the information as to who that U.S. official was."
Rice also says that even if she purposely looked up names for the sake of unmasking, she wouldn't leak the information.
"I leaked nothing to nobody and never have and never would."
She also denied the accusation that she was the one who leaked Mike Flynn's communication with the Russians nor did she know Flynn was a lobbyist for Turkey.
The only things Rice didn't skirt around was that intelligence reports did begin to pick up throughout the election, she implied that President Obama asked for the reports and that there was absolutely no wiretapping or spying done on the Trump camp.