This week leaders in Sacramento are expected to vote to raise our taxes once again, in order pay for our crumbling roads. We don't have a say in this matter. Jerry Brown proposed the massive raise, and it will most likely pass.
For years they wasted our money while our infrastructure crumbled. They don't know how to spend money properly, and now we're being penalized for their incompetence.
Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, is one of the few strong voices out there fighting for the taxpayers.
"It’s easy to spend money when it’s not your own. That’s the case with the proposed massive tax hikes on California drivers announced Wednesday by Gov. Jerry Brown.
The $5.2 billion in taxes imposed annually are aimed squarely at the middle class — citizens who see their cars not as a luxury but as a necessity to get to work, take the kids to school and run their errands at the end of a long day. The governor and his tax-and-spend allies — including interests that get rich off the taxpayer dime — are pushing a gas tax hike of 12 cents per gallon on top of our already high gas tax plus higher vehicle registration fees that average out to about $50 per vehicle. This would leave California with the highest gas and car taxes in the nation by far.
Not surprisingly, taxpayers are not buying what the governor is selling..."