Some 23% of students in public schools come from immigrant households nationwide. According to the Washington Times, that number has more than doubled over the last 25 years from just 11% in 1990.
Steven A. Camarota, research director at the Center for Immigration Studies says:
“Immigration really has dramatically increased the number of children in public schools. The biggest issue for me is: Can the level of immigration be so high that it overwhelms the assimilation process?”
Camarota has raised a number of immigration policy questions, and wonders if the government should impose stricter limits on the number of immigrants arriving.
Maybe the government should offer more help to schools grappling with the challenge of assimilation?
He said:
“I’m not arguing we somehow not educate these kids. They make up almost a quarter of the kids in America. How these kids do is extremely important for the future of the country. The question is: Does it make sense to keep adding to this population and creating new strains and challenges for schools? The debate over immigration — nobody even talks about that.”
Progressives would argue that even raising these questions is racist or wrong, but there are serious concerns here.
There has to be some form of control, otherwise the system gets abused and taken advantage of.