Mack Beggs identifies as a male. But she is biologically female. (For the rest of the article, we will be referring to her as female.)
This weekend, Beggs, 17, won the Class 6a Girls' state championship in Texas.
But her win wasn't without controversy.
Patty Overstreet, the mother of a wrestler in the boys' division told the Washington Post:
"She's standing there holding her head high like she's the winner. She not winning. She's cheating."
Critics say Beggs competing on the girls team is not fair. They point to her use of testosterone injections, which started two years ago as part of her transition from female to male.
This has caused other coaches in the area to point out significant changes to Beggs's physique, which they say gives her a clear strength advantage against other female opponents. Opponents of Beggs have inquired as to why they were not allowed to use hormones as a way to even the playing field when competing against Beggs.
Through her attorney, Beggs actually filed a request to wrestle against boys, but UIL (University Interscholastic League) guidelines determine athletes' gender based on their birth certificate, so the request was denied and Beggs was ordered to continue competing in the girls' division despite outcry.
Beggs has one more year of high school eligibility remaining, and there is at least one lawsuit in play to try move her from the girls' division to the boys' division. (there's no indication on when a decision could be made in that case.)
The UIL meets again in June and in a statement on Friday, they said the birth certificate could rule "could change."
If it does, then Beggs would be free to compete against boys.