If you live in the City of Los Angeles, do not vote for Eric Garcetti next month. He's been a terrible mayor who's only concerned about his image and bettering himself.
The violent crime rate in the city rose for the third year in a row, and he's not talking about it at all.
This according to Mitchell Schwartz, who's running for mayor and appeared along with several other candidates at a forum in Northridge.
Schwartz said the mayor was "hiding and suppressing the police reports from last year."
He's proposing to add 2,500 officers to the force saying that “public safety is the number one issue for the mayor and the majority of the budget." He added that Garcetti's policies "are evidently not working."
Garcetti's spokesman Yusef Robb said Schwartz's accusation is a "cockamamie conspiracy theory," and blamed the lack of a crime rate news conference on "scheduling."
So far no news conference on crime statistics has been scheduled by the mayor's office, but aides from Garcetti's office said a "public safety initiative" will be announced on March 3.
Whatever that means.
Don't vote for Snowflake Yoga Pants. He's done nothing to make Los Angeles better, and he'll keep doing nothing if he's elected again.
Garcetti just wants to be famous.
Read more at the LA Daily News.