A German shepherd named Rumor has been named the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show's "Best in Show".
Rumor came in second place last year, losing to a German shorthaired pointer named CJ.
Rumor's co-owner Kent Boyles says this year's win was unbelievable.
“I’m not sure I have the words to describe it. It’s awesome. I don’t think we’re going to get the full gist of the whole experience until time passes by.”
The judge who chose Rumor from the pool of seven contestants, Thomas Bradley says the five and a half year old dog is the total package.
“The standard of the German shepherd calls for the breed to have quality and nobility. They say it’s a very difficult thing to obtain, but once discovered, it’s undeniable.”
When asked what's in the prize winner's future, Boyles says motherhood.
"Babies I hope...This is her official retirement day. She can’t accomplish any more than she has already accomplished. This is definitely the ultimate type of win for her. So it’s pretty awesome. Unfortunately for her, she likes to show, so she’d like to come back."