The Motherboard Suite w/ Saul Williams at the Ford & MORE

Photo: Morris O'Kelly

ICYMI: Hour Three of ‘Later, with Mo’Kelly’ Presents – An in-depth conversation with the incomparable actor, slam-poet-turned-musician Saul Williams, who joins the program to preview ‘The Motherboard Suite.’ Directed by Bill T. Jones and Produced in Partnership with New York Live Arts, in ‘The Motherboard Suite’ Williams “pairs tracks from his albums MartyrLoserKing and Encrypted & Vulnerable with choreography to explore the intersection of technology and race, exploitation, and mystical anarchy, where hackers are artists and activists” … PLUS – The Later Crew reviews the Mel Gibson Netflix film ‘On the Line,’ where-in Gibson stars as an “edgy radio host who is no stranger to disgruntled listeners; but one caller goes too far when he draws the host into a deadly game” - on KFI AM 640…Live everywhere on the iHeartRadio app

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