Every Friday, we bring you the stories that have slipped through the cracks and dub them the Nine News Nuggets You Need To Know.
Here's what nuggets we found this week!
Honorable Mention - Caterpillar invasion: What are those fuzzy bugs taking over Florida?
9 - Roseville police recover over $9k of SPAM, alcohol and more from grocery store thieves
8 - Firefighter impersonator with garden hose arrested after refusing to leave fire scene
7 - Possible moonshine cave discovered below grandstands at historic NASCAR racetrack
6 - Lot owner stunned to find $500K home accidentally built on her lot. Now she’s being sued
5 - Rare two-headed snake undergoes ovarian surgery in Missouri
4 - Woman needs emergency surgery after swallowing nail in bag of pork rinds
3 - Harvard removes cover made of human skin from 1800s book stored in library
2 - Live 12-inch eel removed from Vietnamese man’s abdomen after it slid up his anus
1 - Bengaluru Man Dies After Friend Pumps Hot Air Into His Rectum For Fun