LA Councilman John Lee Calls for Funding License Plate Reader Pilot

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Los Angeles City Councilman John Lee introduced a motion Tuesday seeking to fund an automated license plate reader pilot program in his 12th District, encompassing northwest San Fernando Valley neighborhoods.

The motion, if approved by the full City Council, would instruct the Los Angeles Police Department, Bureau of Street Lighting and the Department of Transportation to begin identifying locations and the best method for camera installations.

ALPRs are used by law enforcement agencies to track and record vehicle license plates as they pass through specific areas. Lee's motion is intended to help officers with crime reduction efforts and to search for vehicles that might be tied to crimes.

He is seeking $500,000 for the purchase, installation and maintenance of the cameras. Approximately $250,000 would be transferred out of a General City Purposes fund, reallocating money for neighborhood service enhancements, and another $250,000 would be transferred out of the Sunshine Canyon Community Amenities fund.

"Certain communities within Council District 12 have been dealing with disproportionate increases in crime for many months now," Lee said in a statement. "In consulting with our law enforcement partners and city agencies, we have collectively determined that utilizing ALPR cameras in our hardest hit communities will not only help us track down criminals but also deter criminal activities from occurring to begin with."

According to Lee's office, last year the LAPD's Devonshire Division reported a 23% increase in burglaries across its area of service. The division also reported a 103% increase in burglaries in the neighborhoods located north of Rinadli Street.

The motion was seconded by Councilwoman Traci Park, and will be forwarded to the City Council's Public Safety Committee.

"Technology is a crucial element in advancing the safety of Los Angeles, incorporating cutting-edge technologies," LAPD Chief Michel Moore said in a statement. "I want to express my gratitude to Councilman Lee for his support and investment in ALPRs for the Los Angeles Police Department, which has already proven to be a successful initiative in other communities."

Photo: PAUL J. RICHARDS / AFP / Getty Images

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