#SmallBusinessShoutout - Know Reality Pie

This week we welcome Tracy Ann & Kelly owners of Know Reality Pie in Pasadena.

Knowrealitypie has won Best Crust to Triple Berry Cabernet, to Salted Caramel Mango Rum Passion to Best Crust & Caramel Chess and beyond. Knowrealitypie was named in December 2021 as one of the Top 25 Pies in America by Thrillist.

Follow them on Instagram and order online here

Once upon a time, there lived a boy and a girl, star-crossed kids, who fell in love. Low and behold, time would steal them away from each other, and a life together then was not to be until almost 40 years later, when their paths, guided by true love, fate, will and destiny, would cross again and they would reunite for good. Now they share a life here in Los Angeles, with a passion for all things artistic, including pies, music, and film. Making quality pies became a passion turned reality, from a tiny home kitchen turned professional shop. Hand crafted pies and pastries with wholesome quality ingredients and lots of love and soul, were born at a tiny storefront in Eagle Rock. 

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