Tired Of Football On Thanksgiving? Watch The National Dog Show!

Foto: Michael Loccisano / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Thanksgiving is always all about food, football, and The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

But what if you're sick of all of that? There's a solution: watch The National Dog Show Presented by Purina! The two-hour special show will air Thanksgiving Day at 12-2pm ET/ PT and is hosted by the Kennel Club of Philadelphia. It's described as 'an annual celebration of dogdom, dating back to 1879.'

The American Kennel Club sanctions the event, and it will include breed and group judging, ending in the "Best In Show" finale. 1,800 of the nation's top dogs spanning 190 breeds make up the competition.

The best part besides the dogs? It's hosted by John O'Hurley, best known as J.Peterman from Seinfeld and David Frei. John joined Amy this morning on Wake Up Call to talk about it.

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