Every Friday, we bring you the stories that have slipped through the cracks and dub them the Nine News Nuggets You Need To Know.
Here's what nuggets we found this week!
Honorable Mention: Man officiating a wedding in Nebraska accidentally shot his 12-year-old grandson during the ceremony, police say
9 - Instagram star's gurning ability breaks world record
8 - Police Arrest Dog Owner For Getting Her Neighbor, 76, Shit-Faced
7 - Giraffe smashes Granbury family's car windshield during visit to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center
6 - An Oklahoma judge could be removed from office for sending more than 500 texts during a murder trial
5 - Overdue book returned to NY library after 90 years — and only gets $5 late fee
4 - Homicidal Winnie-the-Pooh Movie Shown to Miami Springs Schoolchildren
3 - Body parts stolen from cemetery, crypt damaged
2- Hundreds of vagina plaster casts spill onto road after crash