Everything You Need to Know About Cheating!

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Have you ever wondered why people cheat? It’s an unfortunate reality of human behavior—but what drives us to engage in such deceptive acts? Check out the psychology behind infidelity with this list of the most common reasons people cheat:

  • Lack of Emotional Connection
  • No Sexual Connection
  • Bad Boundaries With Others
  • Unfair Fighting. Resentment causes people to retaliate sexually
  • Assumptions About Your Relationship Status
  • Unresolved Childhood Issues: Insecure attachment style
  • Sex Addiction
  • Drug/Alcohol Addiction
  • To Avoid becoming intimate or dependent on someone in a relationship
  • To punish your partner
  • To escape from a relationship that no longer provides happiness
  • To Feel excitement
  • Low self esteem
  • Loneliness

Cheating can have devastating consequences, not only for your partner, but also for your own mental and emotional well-being. Are you tired of feeling guilty and want to break free from the destructive cycle of infidelity? It starts by identifying that missing part of yourself that you’ve been searching for outside your relationship.

Best ways to stop cheating:

  1. Figure out what you want. Are you actually leaving or trying to find yourself?
  2. Think hard about whether monogamy really makes sense for you.
  3. Shut down your tech. Stop DMing. Block people who flirt.
  4. End your current affair.
  5. Stop drinking or using drugs.
  6. Prioritize your relationship - If you or your partner have cheated and want to give your union another shot, it is essential to prioritize your relationship. Put your relationship over everything else at this point and work towards building a stronger foundation.
  7. Recreate your memories: Do you remember when you first felt in love with your partner? Remember your first date? It may be a refreshing change if you both recreate those memories to remind yourself of the good times and feel in love with each other once again.
  8. Don't go out at night without your partner.
  9. Come clean with your partner. Tell your partner how you feel. What do you want in your marriage or committed partnership? Lots of relationships fail when one or both partners try to avoid the conflict of bringing up uncomfortable topics.
  10. Go to therapy.
  11. Give it time.

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