SCNG Investigative Reporter Scores Confession Interview with OC Murderer

Southern California News Group's investigative reporter Scott Schwebke scored a jailhouse interview with Vanroy Evan Smith who admitted to brutally killing Dr. Michael Mammone last week.

From the OC Register:

The Long Beach man accused of running over and stabbing a beloved physician in Dana Point earlier this month confessed to the killing in a jailhouse interview Friday, Feb. 10, saying he has no regrets and was entitled to commit murder because he is both God and Jesus Christ.
In a rambling, hourlong interview with a Southern California News Group reporter, Vanroy Evan Smith cited end-of-world scriptures from the Bible’s Book of Revelation and said that if the public knew he was the Messiah and the “king of kings,” they would think differently about him and his crime.
“I have killed,” Smith, 39, said during the interview at Orange County’s Intake Release Center in Santa Ana. “If they knew who I was, they would let me walk out of here. They would fulfill all my desires.”

Scott talked to John & Ken about how he got the confession interview and what it was like to make eye contact with the murderer.

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