Is Your Partner Having an Emotional Affair?

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Would you rather your man pay a prostitute weekly or go to lunch with female coworker where they have really deep talks? Studies show, women choose the prostitute! A lot of women know men can separate feelings from sex. Here are some signs your partner may be having an emotional affair.

1. Frequently taking phone calls in other rooms

2. Keeping their phone facing down or locked

3. Suddenly changing passwords and passcodes

4. No longer opening up to you about their vulnerabilities

5. When you inquire, you're being gaslit or they act very defensive

6. He/She refuses to set boundaries with certain people

7. Betraying confidences about your relationship What to do: Get into therapy. Find out if you really are over-reacting.

What to do: Get into therapy. Find out if you really are over-reacting.

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