Vagrant Feces Clears Out Metro Train in Santa Monica

It's election day! That means you have the opportunity to vote for the next hacks who will continue to destroy our cities.

Do your duty, go vote ! Yeah right....

Hey, if you don't know what you are voting for, DON'T VOTE. You're not gonna get some woke "get out and vote" nonsense with us. You people who keep voting in these same old corrupt hacks deserve for your quality of life to crumble. Until voters get smart and revolt, things will continue to get worse if that is even possible.

Case in point, we were alerted to this video by a listener. YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO TO BELIEVE IT.

A METRO cop is investigating a train after reports that a vagrant took a dump in a it. Well, he found it at about the 4 minute mark. But if you choose to watch more of this video, you will be shocked at the numerous vagrants basically living on this train. This video is very graphic, but if public transit is what these hacks are trying to get us to use, good luck with that.

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