Gascon's Favorite Trans-Molester Hannah Tubbs Assaulted 4-Year-Old In 2013

George Gascon's favorite pedophile, transexual Hannah Tubbs was accused of molesting a 4-year-old in a library months before getting caught for assaulting a 10-year-old in a bathroom.

Fox News broke this story today.

EXCLUSIVE: Hannah Tubbs, the 26-year-old trans California child molester sentenced to a juvenile facility for assaulting a 10-year-old girl in a bathroom in 2014, was accused of attacking an even younger girl just one year earlier. 
Explicit court documents obtained by Fox News Digital show Tubbs, then using the name James, was accused of sexually molesting a four-year-old girl at a California library in August 2013 while her mother was browsing books "just a few aisles over." 
The alleged attack inside the Northeast Bakersfield library took place near locked bathrooms. The victim told police she escaped when Tubbs went to retrieve a bathroom key, and she said Tubbs exposed himself and touched her. The girl told police he ordered her, "Just do it."
She was shouting and "crying hysterically" and pointing at her mouth and private parts when she found her mother, according to the documents.

The question is who is the bigger dirtbag? Hannah the trans molester or George Gascon for protecting this scumbum?

Tubbs took a plea deal in the 2014 assault case after Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon’s office declined to transfer it to adult court last year – a development that prompted outrage over the lenient sentence.
Following the 2014 assault case, explicit Los Angeles jailhouse recordings emerged in February showing Tubbs gloating over the light sentence she received for the 2014 case, involving a 10-year-old victim assaulted in a Denny’s restroom.
She boasted that nothing would happen to her after she pleaded guilty due to Democrat Gascon's policies and laughed that she won't have to go back to prison or register as a sex offender. She also made explicit remarks about the victim that are unfit to print and instructed her father to begin referring to her with female pronouns.
"So now they're going to put me with other trannies that have seen their cases like mine or with one tranny like me that has a case like mine," Tubbs says. "So when you come to court, make sure you address me as her."

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