Classes Resume at OC Middle School After Administrator Kills Self on Campus

Police Line Do Not Cross

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PLACENTIA (CNS) - Classes were set to resume on a regular schedule today at a Placentia middle school, a day after an assistant principal killed himself on campus, prompting the school to dismiss students early and make counselors available.

Assistant Principal Moises Plascencia killed himself ``in a private staff area'' on the campus of Kraemer Middle School, with no students or other staff present, according to an announcement by Principal Michael Young.

``Words will never be able to express our true sorrow regarding this loss,'' Young wrote. ``While we may never make sense of nor understand why this occurred, please know how deeply Mr. Plascencia cared for your students, their education, and all of Kraemer Middle School.''

Police were called to the school at 645 N. Angelina Drive about 9 a.m. Monday regarding a school employee who shot himself in a locked staff bathroom, which is not open to students, according to the Placentia Police Department. Young found the body, police said.

Young said that while classes were canceled for the day Monday, the school will operate on a normal schedule Tuesday.

``The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District's team of highly qualified mental health professionals will be on campus to serve and support students, staff, and families,'' Young wrote in his message.

``Anyone impacted by this incident is encouraged to come to the multipurpose room for mental health support at any time throughout the remainder of the week.''

Plascencia began working in the district in 1998 and was promoted to assistant principal at Kraemer in 2014, according to district spokeswoman Alyssa Griffiths.

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