It's Time For Some (Dodgers) Baseball!!! MLB Lockout Ends

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The 99-day MLB lockout is now over!
On Thursday, the MLB Player's Association and the MLB owners have now agreed to a new collective bargaining agreement.

On Thursday afternoon, the MLB owners submitted their final offer to the players. The deal was later agreed to by players with a vote of 26-12.

According to ESPN's Jeff Passan, here are some key details to the new collective bargaining agreement include:

  • "Similar to the NBA, advertisements will be allowed with patches on jerseys and decals on batting helmets."
  • "A 12-team postseason field, with six teams in each league making the playoffs."
  • "The designated hitter will be used in both leagues."
  • "A 45-day window for MLB to implement rules changes -- among them: a pitch clock, ban on shifts and larger bases in the 2023 season."
  • "A draft lottery will be implemented, with the hope of discouraging tanking."
  • "There will be a limited number of times a player can be optioned to the minor leagues in one season."
  • "Draft-pick inducements to discourage service-time manipulation"

MLB players are required to attend spring training by Sunday, March 13th.

Each MLB team will play their scheduled 162 games. The end of the season will be extended an extra three days and nine doubleheaders will be played to make up for the lockout time. Lastly, its important to mention, players will receive their full salaries in 2022.

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