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Every Friday we bring you stories that have slipped though the cracks and we call them the Nine News Nuggets You Need To Know:
Honorable Mention: Woman who wanted to get her moneys worth at a $50 all-you-can-eat sushi buffet ends up in the hospital
- 9: A teacher is allegedly fired after not meowing back at a student who identified as a cat
- 8: Rescuers save a dog named, Millie, by attaching a sausage to a drone
- 7: Oscar Mayer debuts a bologna beauty mask
- 6: Chinese couple who were trapped in lockdown during a date are getting engaged
- 5: A moose is found trapped in a Colorado basement
- 4: Man dumps bags of meth while on a highway during a highspeed chase
- 3: Woman arrested after allegedly hiding meth pipe in her vagina
- 2: China brings back anal swab testing for Covid two weeks before Winter Olympics begin
- 1: A man may never be able to use his penis again after his partner accidentally sprayed expanding foam up his urethra