LA Supervisor Barger, Councilwoman Raman Test Positive for COVID-19

Photo: Getty Images

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger and Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nithya Raman were both spending time in isolation today after each confirmed they had tested positive for COVID-19.

``Feels like a cold, but each person's experience is different,'' Barger wrote on Twitter Tuesday night. ``Time to walk the talk -- I'm isolating, getting rest and keeping my loved ones at a distance. #StayHome #GetVaccinated #FlattenTheCurve''

Barger told Fox11 she started to experience some of the virus' symptoms during New Year's Eve. She said like many Los Angeles County residents, she struggled to find testing in the area but said out of ``pure luck" was able to get tested Sunday, leading to the COVID-19 diagnosis.

Raman also announced her diagnosis Tuesday on Twitter.

"While my family and I have been vigilant, the Omicron variant is highly contagious and cases are soaring across Los Angeles,'' Raman wrote. ``I am grateful to be fully vaccinated and boosted, as I know my case would be much worse otherwise. If you haven't yet, please make an appointment to get vaccinated today at Wishing you all a safe and happy new year.''

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