Photo: Getty Images
Here are 7 ways to know you have a good plan for your remodel:
- It tells a Story. - What do you want your home to say?
- It has a “Wiener.” - What features compel you forward?
- It increases Volume and Flow, not necessarily square footage. - Rooms get “roomier.”
- It has Light, light, and more light. - Daylight joy and nighttime mood.
- Every room has a View. Every window, a Vista. - No window is wasted.
- It provokes Emotion - Take care of the practical, then design for the emotional.
- It is rich with Detail - Good bones are a beginning but details make me a believer.
Photo: Getty Images
How to go about getting it right …
- Take your time.
- Collaborate with an artist.
- Make a plan, then set it aside and make another, and another.
- Edit mercilessly.