The Death of Arthur Toddd #TrueCrimeTuesday

Arthur Todd is a name very few know but in this week’s True Crime Tuesday we give you the story on the end of this money bag man. Picture a rich recluse.

The money-hungry loner went missing one day raising no suspicion because everyone assumed he was just doing his own thing. 

He was a rich man who didn’t believe in banks so he was known to walk around with a nice lump sum on him at all times. This raised suspicions of a loose killer because that day his body was found. 

Arthur Todd’s body was found nearby a path of woman’s footprints so foul play was the only explanation for detectives at the time. After further investigation detectives assumed that he was drowned, poisoned, maybe even killed by blunt force trauma. 

Results came back from the autopsy and no signs of foul play were found. Later, it was discovered that Todd had killed himself, throwing himself off of a cliff into a body of water where he drowned. This was all in the effort of ending his own life, however, guaranteeing that his son Arthur Todd would receive Dear Ol’ Dad’s life insurance money. 

Crazy thing….. Arthur was in on it the whole time. Listen in full below:

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